Massage Therapy In Fernie, BC
Roberta Milne, RMT
Therapeutic Massage
To help heal injuries and reduce aches and pains to restore healthy living and maintain general well-being.
Deep Tissue Massage
Focusing on the deeper layers of the body's soft tissues, aiming to release chronic patterns of tension in affected areas.
Myofascial Release
Fascia is dense, irregular connective tissue throughout your body that covers muscles, organs, nerves, blood vessels, ligaments and bones. One of it's main functions is to provide a sliding and gliding environment for your muscles. Injury, illness, prolonged immobility or poor posture can cause adhesion in fascia which can create pain, reduce mobility or impair function. This treatment uses multiple techniques to target areas of fascia throughout your body.
Relaxation Massage
A chance to unwind and rejuvenate by releasing tight muscles and de-stressing.